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This is the first chapter of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. It introduces the basic mechanics of the game and several important story characters.
Must've been unconscious for a while... My head feels "fuzzy", kind of like I'm swimming through darkness...
When I came to, there was a woman standing there. A woman I don't know. At least... I don't think I know her. And then there was a man with a gun. I don't know him, either... Well, probably not, anyway. Now, I'm not the kind of guy who can just stand back and watch a poor woman get shot... But I have just one little problem...
I'm already dead myself.
This has gotta be me. No question about that. After all, do you see any other dead bodies lying around here? I feel bad for her, sure. But what can I do? I'm dead. But just as I was thinking this...
This is no time to be lolling around dead! You're the only one who can save her!

Sissel possessing the crossing gate.
Sissel regains consciousness. The first things he sees are a red-haired woman, and a man in black clothing, who is pointing a gun at the woman. Sissel wants to save the woman, but has a little problem: he is already dead.
Just as he is about to give up, however, a voice in his head tells him that he must save the woman. The Voice teaches him about ghost tricks, the powers he got after dying. He is told by the voice to possess a crossing gate, and to perform a trick using it. He does, resulting in the man's gun to be thrown upward, giving the woman time to escape. The man quickly catches the gun, and aims for the woman again, however. The Voice then tells him to possess a guitar. He does just that, resulting in the man getting startled by the sound, giving the woman more time to escape.
Because of the guitar falling, the only thing he can possess is his corpse. As he does, he finds out that he cannot manipulate corpses, and only inanimate objects. With him unable to perform any ghost tricks, the man, who is then known as Nearsighted Jeego, shoots the woman. Her body then falls down. A phone call is heard. Jeego goes down to answer it, kicking Sissel's corpse in the process. The man answers the phone and says, "It's done. I'm on my way." The caller is still unknown at this point.
After the man leaves, the Voice starts talking again, revealing it to be a desk lamp. The Desk Lamp says that he will teach another ghost trick, after Sissel possesses him. He does, and the Desk Lamp reveals another ghost trick. It is to try to avert a person's fate by going back four minutes before their death. Sissel learns that he can travel back in time 4 minutes before a person's death and attempt to avert the person's fate using his ghost tricks.He says that this only works on corpses who have been dead for less than one day, and the woman is still well within that range. Sissel possesses the woman, and goes back to witness her last four minutes alive, learning more of the circumstances behind the death including the mention of something (or someone) called Temsik, whom Jeego was ordered to "remove all traces" of.
After averting the woman's fate and eliminating Jeego, Sissel then goes back to the newly born present. It is raining, and the woman, who is now alive, is coughing. As he thinks about her, it occurs to Sissel that he doesn’t remember anything of his past life or the circumstances surrounding his death. As he wonders this, the Desk Lamp, who introduces himself as Ray, informs Sissel that by morning, he will cease to exist. Sissel, distraught by this news, comes up with a plan to simply use his powers on himself and rewind his own fate. Unfortunately, however, Ray informs him that such a plan is not possible. Accepting this fact, Sissel resolves to at least figure out who he is and what happened to him to bring him up to this point. However, as he can't remember a thing, Sissel is at a loss of how to do that. Ray informs him that Lynne is his best bet, as she witnessed his murder. Sissel takes Ray up on this lead and he urges it stating: "She is the key to everything tonight."
Sissel helps Lynne by lowering an umbrella for her. She picks up the umbrella, and then goes down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs she spots a black cat. It looks at her then hops on Sissel's dead body for a moment before hopping off and going on its way. Lynne, trying to figure what's going on in her head looks at body and reaches into his coat pocket to pull out some card. Sissel takes an interest in the card. However he can't recall writing it.
At the moment he was going to examine it, the phone rings again and Lynne puts the card in her pocket, prevent Sissel from examining its contents. Lamenting his missed chance, Ray informs him that someone important is on that telephone line. Thinking back, Sissel remembers that it was the call Jeego got and used to confirm his hit. At the urge of Ray, Sissel possess the telephone and learns a new trick he has, he can see both ends of the call. Not only that, he sees the man who ordered the hit. Ray then informs Sissel of this final trick, he can cross vast distances using telephone lines. This is limited however, only by the phones he has possessed, or the calls made while he possesses it. Wanting to take his lead, Ray informs him he won't be coming along. Ray tells Sissel he's far too tired and his powers grow too weak to continue on for much long, but he had to make it here to ask for Sissel's help. Asking what help is requested of him, Ray tells him many strange things will be going on tonight, and Sissel is the only one who can stop or at least alter the fate tonight.
Appreciating all the help he's gotten thus far, Sissel thanks Ray, but tells him he can't oblige to his request, as he's more interested in finding out who he is, and what happened to him. Ray is not surprised, and in fact urges him to find his answers, as what he is asking, and what he seeks, are one and the same thing. Sissel, a little skeptical at what Ray isn't telling him, bids his farewell and heads off to the mysterious caller's location.
4 Minutes Before Death[]