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Chapter 15
Chapter 17

This is the sixteenth chapter of the game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.


Lynne kept her promise about getting me "hooked up." About two hours before dawn, the phone rang.


About two hours before dawn, the phone rings. It’s Jowd, who’s in the control room on the Yonoa submarine. Sith appears on the screen, Jowd tells him he was able to find the Yonoa because the bullet Cabanela used to shoot “Sissel” had a radio transmitter inside and the pocket watch he gave Jowd has the receiver. Sith steals the Temsik fragment out of “Sissel’s” body, betraying him. The control room blasts away from the submarine, taking Jowd and “Sissel’s” body with it. Sissel hears an explosion elsewhere in the submarine and leaves to find it. On the way, he finds Missile. A phone rings, but Sissel can’t reach it and Missile is unable to answer it. Something else explodes, knocking the phone off the hook. Sissel makes his way over and finds Kamila on the other end, calling for help. On the other end of the line, the room is flooding and Lynne is dead in the water. Sissel goes back to 4 minutes before her death. Lynne found Kamila, but she was possessed by “Sissel”. He explains that he was waiting for Jowd, to kill him as Kamila, and that Lynne’s presence in the sub meant his revenge plan had failed. He’s interrupted by the first explosion, realising he’s probably been betrayed. Lynne then pushes the possessed Kamila out of the way of falling rubble, getting crushed underneath it in the process. During the 4 minutes, Sissel and Lynne travel to a different part of the Yonoa and see Sith and his crew leaving in an escape pod before launching a torpedo at the submarine to sink it, aiming to trap the manipulator at the bottom of the ocean forever. They manage to stop the torpedo from exploding, but it still hits the Yonoa. Since it did much less damage this time, the rubble didn’t fall and Lynne’s fifth death was averted.

Kamila apologises for pointing a gun at Lynne when she was possessed, before passing out. Lynne explains that she can’t swim, and neither can Kamila. They start climbing a ladder to a door on a higher level, but the entire submarine turns nose-up.

Sissel and Missile have to manipulate and swap pieces of broken machinery to help Lynne and Kamila reach the door at the top, while the water level continues to rise. They reach the top, but the door won’t open.

Right when the water is about to rise to the very top, the door bursts open and a giant claw comes through, dragging Lynne and Kamila up into the room.


