Ghost Trick Wiki

Dandy is the suspicious male partner of Beauty. He is smitten by her and seems to enjoy being verbally abused by Beauty. Unfortunately, his feelings are unreciprocated, though Beauty seems perfectly fine about continuing to insult him.


Dandy has blue skin, blonde hair, black eyes, a big chin and a large nose pointing downward. He wears a black suit, a long sleeved gray shirt and socks, a red tie and black shoes. Additionally, he has a fedora and a boutonnière.


To be written.


He planned to meet Yomiel at Chicken Kitchen at 10 am with the kidnapped Amelie.

For most of the game he drags Kamila around in a huge red suitcase, having mistakenly kidnapped the purple-haired girl in place of Amelie.

In the new timeline (the third one where the events were undone), Beauty and Dandy were seen breaking into a safe above Chicken Kitchen with gunpowder. The attempt failed because Dandy read the instructions for twenty kilograms of gunpowder instead of twenty grams and the safe room exploded. The floor gave way and the safe dropped all the money onto Sausagehead down below in Chicken Kitchen instead, with no sign of either Dandy or Beauty left, hinting that they both most likely died from the explosion.


Dandy/Image Gallery
