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Chapter 17 N/A
Final Chapter
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Chapter 17

This is the eighteenth and final chapter of the game Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective.


When was Yomiel's death...? It was ten years ago, when the Temsik meteorite fell.

We traveled back through time, and now we're here at the scene of that death.

The start of it all is about to replay itself...


Sissel, Missile, Jowd, and Yomiel arrive 4 minutes before Yomiel’s Death; 10 years ago in Temsik park. Little Lynne has just finished roasting a sweet potato under a pile of leaves by a fountain, wearing headphones. Jowd is chasing and shouting at Yomiel, firing a warning shot into the air.

Yomiel, panicking, lunges forward and grabs Lynne, then turns and points a gun at Jowd. While the two are in a standoff, Lynne passes out and a black kitten appears and rubs its head against Jowd’s leg. Jowd tries to let it back away from the area, so it doesn’t get hurt.

The camera pans up to the sky. Temsik crashes into the ground nearby. One shard smashes through a lamp and hits Yomiel in the heart, killing him. We also see Lynne waking up and Jowd making sure she’s alright, then the 4 minutes scene ends.

Jowd says, if they manage to stop the shard from killing Yomiel, he’s pretty sure he would’ve shot him so it might not be possible to avert Yomiel’s death. Yomiel is ok with this, stating what he did was inexcusable.

Restarting the 4 minutes, Sissel makes Lynne’s headphones blare, briefly waking her up and making her drop her sweet potato. The ghosts use it to get to the fountain, where they use the water nozzles to get another sweet potato within swapping range of Mino. After that, Missile swaps Mino with the lamp the shard pierced. When the shard falls, it now ricochets off Mino, but pierces through Jowd’s leg.

Ghost Jowd urges his past self to put the gun down, but he does not. Even with his injury, Jowd pulls the trigger and immediately realises his mistake.

Missile possesses the bullet at the last second and swaps it with the roasted sweet potato.

Instead of killing Yomiel, this makes him drop Lynne and stumble backwards onto a sharp spike in the lamppost. He is pierced through the back, but miraculously survives.

Mino starts to fall off the lamppost, with Lynne lying unconscious underneath it. Yomiel suggests they let it crush her then rewind 4 minutes to avert it, but Sissel refuses, explaining that the memory will still remain.

Yomiel instructs Sissel to make one of the fountain nozzles spray as hard as it possibly can, launching the lamp. He then orders Missile to swap the lamp with Mino. Mino is still going to hit Lynne, but Yomiel explains that those few seconds were what he needed. He then manipulates his own unconscious body to peel himself off the lamppost and throw Lynne to safety, getting partially crushed in her place.

Lynne wakes up and has a similar conversation with Jowd that she had in the original version of events. He asks her to call the police and gives her a toy detective’s badge. While she’s gone, he asks Yomiel what made him do such a reckless thing. Yomiel states that he isn’t sure, it was like his body was moving of its own accord, but that he’s glad it happened. Lynne returns, holding the kitten and worrying at how limp it is. Jowd says it looks unconscious, but not injured and decided to adopt the kitten.

Ghost Yomiel says that “it looks like HIS fate just changed in a big way.” Sissel asks whose fate he means, he replies “The kitten’s. Sissel’s.” Sissel recognises that name is his true name.

Yomiel goes on to say, “These long, lonely ten years… …you were my one and only friend. How about it? Do you remember now…

…old friend?”

Sissel finally regains his memories and takes on his true face: the black kitten, all grown up and wearing a red bandana around his neck.

His internal monologue explains that ten years ago, Sissel was a little kitten that wandered into the park, weak and alone, begging “ Somebody, please reach a hand out to me…”

Yomiel chimes in, explaining he had just died at the time and had lost his memories. He reached out to Sissel, jumping into the kitten’s body. He lived as a cat for a while, until he regained his memory and left to get his own body back. He hurried to his fiancée’s house, but was too late, finding a note that said “I’m coming to you, Yomiel.”

He named the cat Sissel in her memory. As time passed, Yomiel’s power gradually changed and grew, eventually allowing him to manipulate people, and that was when he began to grow twisted. He recalled that “I wanted ‘light’…distorted, artificial ‘light’…” When he manipulated Lynne she fought back, and one bullet had instead fired into the bag he was carrying, with Sissel inside. Since Sissel died near the shard in Yomiel’s chest, he developed powers of the dead. Finally, he explains he didn’t stop Sissel’s meddling throughout the night because he doesn’t have the power to rewind time.

With the final fate averted, everyone meets in the ghost world for the last time. Yomiel is glad his revenge failed, stating it was over when Lynne showed him sympathy on the Yonoa. He also states that the past ten years won’t fully vanish, the four of them will keep the memories. Yomiel apologises to Sissel for killing him. Sissel, Missile, and Yomiel say their goodbyes, saying they’re very glad to have met and will never forget one another. As they go back to the present, Ray interrupts to thank Sissel before he ceases to exist.

Sissel asks who he really is, and Ray shares a third timeline: where Lynne’s first death had never been averted, and where Yomiel and Tengo killed Kamila and Missile- who died near enough to Yomiel’s Temsik fragment to develop powers of the dead. But since Missile’s power is too situational, he couldn’t avert any deaths. He followed Yomiel, ending up in the sinking Yonoa control room and rewinding ten years, then waiting for the night to come again. Ray reveals his true identity as Missile. Sissel had wandered off the first time, so Ray waited at the junkyard to give him the information he needed to be set on the right path. If he hadn’t lied about ghosts ceasing to exist at sunrise, Sissel wouldn’t have gotten to the Yonoa in time. He thanks Sissel from the bottom of his heart, and everyone heads back to the new present.

They arrive in a dark room. Lynne turns on the lights, which sets off a working version of Kamila’s contraption, celebrating her becoming a detective. Kamila introduces Lynne to Sissel, stating he’s a very special kitten because he hasn’t grown in ten years. Lynne picks him up, and Sissel enters the ghost world, revealing the Temsik fragment in his chest.

The credits show Cabanela arriving for the celebration, the blue detective imitating the inspector’s dancing while going down the stairs, Memry planting a bug in the police chief’s and Rindge’s chicken to eavesdrop on who they’ll promote to the Special Investigation Unit, the curry-loving prisoner ordering a new menu item he suggested at the Chicken Kitchen, Beauty and Dandy failing a heist, Emma and Amelie visiting the Justice Minister’s work, Sith getting scared by his assistant’s head popping off, the rockstar prisoner playing at Temsik park, the Park Guardian waving pamphlets around, and Bailey dancing.

Yomiel is painting in his cell when a guard informs him that his sentence is over, and his fiancée is waiting outside. He pauses before leaving his cell to say “Thank you, Sissel.”

The final moments of the game reveal his painting to be a black cat with a red bandana, sitting in front of the moon. It also shows a framed picture of Cabanela, Jowd, Lynne, Kamila, and Missile at the celebration; concluding with Sissel leaping down from the painting to join them in the photo.


  • Lynne wears pink headphones in this chapter, similar to how Kamila wears red headphones in Chapter 2. In both cases, a girl listening to music on headphones allowed a man to capture them.