“ | This will be our last communication by telephone. We'll arrive in one hour. I look forward to seeing you, Sissel. | ” |
—Commander Sith |
Sith (also known as Commander Sith) is the secondary antagonist of Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective. He is the military official who ordered the hitmen to kill Lynne, and made false promises to Yomiel, so he could get the Temsik Meteor fragment for himself.
Sith has blue skin like his henchmen. As an elderly man, he has large gray spiky looking eyebrows, a big nose pointing downwards and a bald head. He wears a high rank military outfit and seemingly has a gold medal, presumably for some past military action.
Sith is a typical power hungry conqueror, probably searching for world domination. To achieve his goal, he is ready to do anything and doesn't show any signs of mercy or regret. He enjoys living in excesses, which becomes clear through his extravagant furniture, the way he behaves and enjoys grapes, consumes them like royalty with the help of a robotic claw in his submarine. Furthermore, Sith seems to have a passion for technology like his robot servant, the Masked Muscleman and he seems to be intelligent.
Sith is first seen in the second chapter of the game, when he calls the hitman Jeego to ask if he has finished doing his job of killing Lynne. Originally, Jeego answers the phone, but after Sissel's intervention, it is Detective Lynne who picks up the phone.
Before the events of the game, Yomiel contacted Sith and made a deal with him: Yomiel will sell his ghost powers to Sith, and Sith will give Yomiel a new life. Sith will help Yomiel get his revenge as well, as part of the deal.
However, what Sith had planned was to betray Yomiel and take the meteor fragment for himself. He systematically targeted and killed all people in Yomiel's country that knew Temsik and its powers, and then used the submarine Yonoa as a coffin for the ghost after taking the Temsik fragment from Yomiel's body and fleeing in a mini-submarine, but his plan was foiled when Yomiel assists Sissel and his allies. They travel back in time and successfully create a new timeline. Due to the timeline alteration, Yomiel's deal didn't occur.
- His name comes from the Japanese word shisu, which means "to die".